We have a family of 6.
Bartonella, Babesia, Mycoplasma, and Lyme Disease have been around for too long.
We are killing off these Diseases with the Cinnamon Oil but that by itself is not enough.
Here is an analogy...
If you unclog the toilet, you have to FLUSH.
By adding Garbage before you FLUSH you are only adding to the CESSPOOL of CRAP! Crap meaning all these Tick Born Diseases. The Diseases that are robbing you of your health, quality family time, normal brain and body function!
Garbage, is something that keeps find its way into our home. I am only 1 out of 6 who is in charge of turning everyone's health around. My husband is addicted to all the JUNK FOODS and is of no help.
So by Garbage I am talking about PEPSI, CHEETOS, BBQ Potato Chips, Frozen JUNK PIZZAS, CANDY with Food Dyes, MSG, ASPARTAME, HIGH FRUCTOSE and OMG don't forget MONSANTO!!
Today, I am having an overload MELT DOWN. I have 3 Teenage Children fighting me about E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G! My Middle one is in DENIAL wanting to not acknowledge that she has SEVERE BABESIA. Not to mention there is a book out about 2 Teenagers dying of Cancer, so the whole Drama thing about maybe dying doesn't sound so bad??? WTF!!
By the way, I don't always talk like a Babtist's Pastor's daughter, that I am. JUST KIDDING!! :) Just kidding about being the Pastor's daughter :)
It gets very trying for Moms and other CARETAKERS addressing these Lyme Disease and Co-infections. Kudos for you Fathers that stand up to the Caretaking Plate. It's DAY in and DAY out!
What seems to be the flu has swept our small town this week. I believe several of our kids have been infected with it. Fear takes over wondering if this has anything to do with the Babesia, Bartonella, Mycoplasma, and returning Lyme or Lyme that hasn't quite been EATEN UP yet by the Cinnamon.
Doing the Cinnamon Essential Oil from Sri Lanka takes, on the average, 90 plus days. Depending on infected the person is. Everyone is so different, in different stages, with different Tick Diseases and Strains.
If anything this God AWFUL Lyme Disease has done is get people back to the beginning! Before PROCESSED FOODS, before all the POISONS in what we EAT.
Literally, you HAVE TO FIGHT THE FIGHT!!
No WIMPS will get LYME FREE!!
Most of you reading this has already MANNED UP and put on your BIG PANTS to fight this Disease.
Others, let this be a WAKE UP ALARM! Once you slide too far down the hill, it is harder to get back up.
You have to be SMART, SMARTER and OUT SMART this Lyme Disease EPIDEMIC!
I just read that the Lyme Disease Epidemic is worse than....
COMBINED.... I will have to go to my notes and fill in the blanks.
When it gets to be too much, get down on your KNEES and say a Prayer for HELP. And please REACH out to others.
"For God did not give us a Spirit of Fear, but of Power, Love and a Sound Mind" :) Now I have to find out what verse that is and add that also.
Signing OFF for NOW,
a mother of 4 Children and 1 Husband
with Bartonella, Babesia, Mycoplasma, and
Chronic Lyme Disease
PS That is our Monsanto cartoon...Frankenveggies
I got draw stick figures but Jim Hunt can :)
lymesdiseasesucks.BlogSpot.com LYME WITH AN "S"