This Specific Cinnamon is proving to Kill Tick Born Diseases. Ours has tested to be the MOST powerful!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

More Lyme is being Naturally Eradicated with a special Cinnamon!!
to order this Awesome Cinnamon!

Hey guys, hope you're feeling good today and kicking some bacterial butt. Some peeps have asked about my cinnamon experience, so here goes (warning, I like to write haha)
I mixed 16 - 20 drops pure Sri Lanka cinnamon with 60 ml olive oil. I did 2 drops once a day for about 24 days then had to stop as I stupidly went on a water fast at the same time as inhaling pure cinnamon for one week and the die off was way too much, my chest face and back became covered in a toxic rash. Though I felt 80% better by the end of the fast the rash was unbearable and dangerous looking haha so I stopped for a week then did 2 more weeks on 2 drops. The rash went after one week but left terrible scars, many symptoms came straight back as soon as I started killing bugs again but my gut was actually much healthier (pain, pressure, inflammation and stinging in my belly disappeared and never came back!) and I had energy just enough to go back to work a week or so later.
After week of no oil I went up to a dropperfull of oil once a day because I was unsure about the dosing and the size of my dropper. I was taking this dose when I reached the 65 consecutive day mark. I felt good at this time, symptoms were very 'quiet' as I like to say but I still continued to herx around once a week. At this point I felt like I was stuck and there was something I needed to change. At day 85 I switched back to just two drops (the best decision!) and immediately my herxes came back stronger which was weird, though they went almost as fast as they came. 2 very tiresome weeks later I felt the last bugs die off and it was a very painful, emotional weekend.
I took the oil for another 2 weeks after this but herxes didn't come! I didn't realize how much I needed to keep on detoxing though until I tried a couple of days water fasting last week and dug up the same toxins that gave me the rash last year, so I now have some nice new scars on my chest ! Boo I also stopped taking activated charcoal which I shouldn't have, I think I have toxins trapped in my nervous system causing my mild peripheral neuropathy symptoms so that's what I'm working on now, that and breaking down toxins, inflammation, muccus and a really annoying tick head imbedded in my back (been there 4 years!) with serrapeptase.

Sooo, I tried to stick to paleo/keto diet but I did eat gluten rarely, fruit, honey, some dark chocolate and at christmas I pretty much ate anything I wanted haha, naughty but made me happy. Daily detoxing including activated charcoal x 2 - 6, french green clay drink (for a month or so when I didn't have charcoal) chlorella (x6 500mg), lemon water, dry skin brushing, epsom baths once a week (should have done more!) ginger sweat baths often, coconut oil pulling, milk thistle complex, cleavers, Aloe vera, echinacea for a few months, St johns wort for a few weeks, ACV, flaxseed. I walked 30 minuets most days when I wasn't at work, did bikram yoga 3-5 times a week or cross-trainer, practiced deep breathing and tried to drink at least 2 L water and sleep 8-10 hours. I took probiotics and a variety of vitamins & minerals (Multi, Fish oil, C, Zinc, Selenium, MSM, Silicea, Biotin, B50, Folic acid, Methyl B12, Calc, magnesium, D3 as well as homeopathic cell salts (Bioplasma, ferrum phos, kali mur) and more recently Super R lipoic acid , lions mane and echinacea again. PHEW.

......It is truly amazing to read Happy Endings and not all the horrible DEVASTATION that Lyme Disease promotes.  There are sooo many people out there that keep getting worse!  They are losing HOPE!  They are losing their HEALTH!  If you know of someone who has not gotten better on antibiotics please show them this blog.

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