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Monday, December 8, 2014

L glutamine suggestions

Mentioned by a wonderful member of our group
Be looking for more great info soon :)
L-glutamine also plays a part in a huge number of biological processes, including playing a vital role in the creation of new white blood cells/immune support. Quite often people with compromised immune systems (ie - from continuously fighting chronic bacterial infections as an example) very often suffer from depleted l-glutamine levels..... So when they start taking the supplemental l-glutamine for the first time, it also 'can' give the immune system a kick start as well. In turn resulting in a sudden increase in bacterial/parasitic die-off, and also resulting for some - in a herx reaction..... 

So start off slowly.... Even I recommend if you are trying it for the first time to initially buy the smallest size available (in turn also the cheapest option < $10 for a few oz.). If it doesn't really help you, then you're not out of a lot of cash..... If it does work for you, then I'd recommend buying it in bulk (for a 2.5'ish lb container - is around $40).

As for dosing, the following is part of another post that I wrote back on Aug. 10th:

When the Lyme & other bacteria/parasites are killed - they release neuro-toxins (ammonia being the most common). Over time, this ammonia can build up in the brain & other area of the body, to the point that it starts doing quite a bit of damage. Besides killing healthy brain cells, it can also damage to the point that one becomes more susceptible to seizures..... Now Jernigan's 'Neuro-Antitox II' herbal formula does a pretty good job at mopping up excessive ammonia in the brain, but I've found that it doesn't do as good as a job as the amino acid of 'L-glutamine'. This one amino acid makes up between 70-80% of all the amino acids in the body in total. It gets produced in the body, as well as comes from some foods (ie - meats, eggs, dairy products, cabbage, beets, beans, spinach, and parsley)
 - but one also can buy it online or at a health food store for a relatively cheap price. It's used in a wide variety of functions in the body: from the building & repairing of muscle & tendons, to playing a vital role in forming new white blood cells (and fortifying the immune system), to being able to cross the 
blood brain barrier - where it serves a few functions. It is used in the creation of glutamic acid that the brain uses as fuel (the only other substance the brain uses for fuel is glucose). Glutamic acid also has the ability to also pick up ammonia molecules throughout the body (& brain) then cross the blood brain barrier again where the mopped up ammonia later gets converted to uric acid in the liver. 

The classic 'brain fog' or difficulty to concentrate I've found is caused by having alot of ammonia in the brain. If it is real bad, I've found that 15 grams/day of L-glutamine is necessary to be taken for a month or more, before the majority of the ammonia is removed from the brain. You'll know if it's working because your urine will be dark, and cloudy, and the smell of ammonia will be so strong that it'll almost want to make you gag. But you should also start to notice that you begin to concentrate & focus better (and also have overall higher energy levels). 
After awhile, you'll notice that the urine becomes clearer and clearer - more back to normal. Shortly after that, you'll notice that the urine becomes almost a cloudy white color. But have no real smell to 
it. This means that your body/brain has gotten rid of all the excess ammonia, that you're essentially pissing (for lack of a better word) out the unused portion of the L-glutamine. At this time you should also notice a HUGE improvement in your brain fog, ability to concentrate & focus. This is when I'd recommend for one to start tapering off the glutamine: 

from 15g -> 10g -> 5g (or less)/day. 

So lower ammonia in general - means less brain fog, less damage to your body & brain, higher ability to concentrate & focus..... Lower stress & anxiety levels overall in general. This means increasing your ability to not have seizures as well!

So for me - I was initially taking it before I was infected with Lyme (& co-infections) as a sports supplement. I found it helped me recover more quickly when I was working out at the gym for 2+ hours/day, 5 days a week about a decade ago.... But then once I became infected from a tick bite ~8.5 years ago, I was finding that after I came back from the gym (and taking the supplements) - suddenly my urine became much cloudier, and the smell of ammonia so strong (it almost made me gag). Because of this I quit taking the glutamine, although the cloudiness, color & smell returned to 'somewhat' normal - I also started getting severe brain fog as well. So I started taking it again, the urine became cloudy & pungent again - but also the brain fog steadily improved as well..... This was another clue (among a growing number of them) - which lead me to figure out that I had Lyme. 

 Anyway, while doing various treatment protocols - as the bacterial load diminished, I found that I was needing less & less l-glutamine in order to keep a relatively 'brain fog' free, clear mind. So I went from 3 tsp/day (15g/day), down to 2 tsp/day (10g/day), down to 1 tsp/day (5g/day), and am now taking just a maintenance dose of approximately 1/2 tsp/day (2.5g/day) usually before I go to sleep in a glass of water (with a little organic lemon juice for flavoring). The only exception is on days that I also workout, in which case I also take an additional tsp/5g before I workout - but that extra amount is mainly for to repair the muscles, more than to eliminate ammonia/neuro-toxins. role in forming new white blood cells (and fortifying the immune system), to being able to cross the blood brain barrier - where it serves a few functions. It is used in the creation of glutamic acid that the brain uses as fuel (the only other substance the brain uses for fuel is glucose). Glutamic acid also has the ability to also pick up ammonia molecules throughout the body (& brain) then cross the blood brain barrier again where the mopped up ammonia later gets converted to uric acid in the liver.



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